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hind vs apache

Hind Vs Apache - India recently bought 6 Apache AH-64E helicopters from Boeing and since then there have been questions as to why the government did not go for Mi-35 helicopters. In this article, we will learn about the differences between the two planes.

The most advanced multirole combat aircraft in the world is the AH-64 Apache. India is the 16th country to opt for the Apache, which is also used by a growing number of other foreign security forces. The Indian Air Force has 22 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters in its fleet. Boeing and the Government of India in 2020 signed an agreement to purchase six AH-64E Apache helicopters for the Indian Army.

Hind Vs Apache

Hind Vs Apache

The AH-64E is a state-of-the-art, multi-role aircraft that incorporates the latest technological advances and maintains its position as the best attack aircraft in the world. It is the only combat aircraft on the market with a range of capabilities including thrust and lift-off, integrated digital operation, advanced survivability and intelligent decision support to meet all mission needs.

Mi 24v Hind E

Under the fuselage is a 30 mm automatic Boeing M230 chain gun with a rate of fire of 625 rounds per minute. The maximum power of the aircraft is 1,200 rounds.

The AH-64D is equipped with the Lockheed Martin/Boeing AGM-114D Longbow Hellfire air-to-surface missile, which has a millimeter-wave range and is capable of operating in a full fire-and-forget mode. Distance from 8 to 12 kilometers.

Rostvertol, a Russian aviation division, is the company that produces the Mi-35M multirole combat aircraft. This is an export model of the Mi-24 Hind attack aircraft.

The aircraft, which was primarily developed for attack and military transport operations, boasts superior flight performance and maneuverability over its predecessor.

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Production of the Mi-35M began in 2005. To attack ground-based armored targets and provide air support for ground operations, the aircraft is equipped with modern, advanced weapons. It can be configured to be a platform for assault, ground assault, MEDEVAC or transport.

One of the modern fighter jets in the arsenal of the Russian Air Force is the Mi-35M. It is also influenced by the forces of other countries, including Venezuela, Brazil, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Mali.

The Mi-35M military aircraft, which is based on the Mi-24 Hind, has a number of improvements, including reduced wings, a new rotor system, modern avionics, upgraded turboshaft engines and hydraulics. Airports and other important areas are well protected.

Hind Vs Apache

The length of the plane is 21.6 meters, the width is 6.5 meters and the height is 6.5 meters. In cruise mode, its take-off weight is 12,000 kg. It can carry up to 2,400 kg of payload or eight soldiers.

Apache Ah 64 V/s. Mi 28 Havoc: Which One Is Best Attack Helicopter For Indian Armed Forces

The Mi-35 was originally available as an export version renamed the Mi-24V. Although I believe the Mi-35M and many other Mi-35 variants were actually deployed on behalf of the Russian Federation. It is not always easy to distinguish between 24 and 35 years. Currently, Russia uses about 330 24/35 aircraft.

An improved version of the AH-64 is the AH-64E. In 2011, deliveries of the E model began. The US military has more than 800 D/E model AH-64 aircraft in service. I don't know how many 634D models have already been updated. in 2019 it is planned to produce 50 new E models, which will complement the conversion of the D to E fleet.

Fully armed, the Mi-35 achieves 92 percent MTOW. Still £1,878 to go. If each soldier weighs only 250 pounds with equipment, the total army load of 8 soldiers will add up to 2,000 pounds. So, you can probably carry 7 soldiers or 6 soldiers if they have a combined weight of 300 pounds. getting the best of both worlds when people say the Mi-24/35 can fly into a combat zone with a full load of troops and weapon systems. One or both will be yours. Either the load of the army will be reduced, or the load of ammunition will be reduced. Alternatively, you can reduce the distance significantly by reducing the fuel load.

This is in stark contrast to the AH-64, which has 77 percent MTOW and has more than twice as many cannons, eight laser-guided missiles or radar, and 38 laser-guided missiles (used because they heavier and better performance. ). ). First, the AH-64E doesn't carry troops, but it doesn't do a bad job of dual-tasking either. According to the Russian doctrine, the AH-64 will support the ground forces and carry the UH-60 and other similar aircraft, while the Mi-28 will escort the Mi-8/17 aircraft. There are several reasons why Russia switched to the Mi-28 design in this case (besides the issue of the vulnerable front engine of the central crisis system).

Ah 64 Apache

The Mi-35 appears to have been the first Russian Federation aircraft to feature FLIR, glass cockpits and GPS navigation in the early 2000s. Before that it needed to get the Super Hind update from South Africa. Also, I would worry because the Mi-24/35 9K114 missiles are still aimed in SACLOS, so the gunner has to focus the laser on the target to ensure a hit. As for controlling the weapon while on the move, it's not as easy as the automatic laser guidance system.

The AH-64 featured FLIR, night vision, radar, head targeting and exhaust evasion equipment from its earliest incarnations, but GPS and more advanced communications systems were not introduced until 1991. The targeting system enables automatic tracking of the laser direction, including laser range finding, and control of the gun system based on the position of the pilot's head (where they are looking). At a distance of 30 miles from the helicopter mast, the radar can track 250 targets. D units can identify targets (although only the radar mast is visible above the horizon or tree line) and then another Apache will fire a radar-guided AGM-114 using Apache information of the target.

Armament is the difference where the Mi-35 can be just a little bit different. Titanium armor for the pilots and protective glass for the cockpit designed to protect the entire aircraft from 12.7mm rounds. The Mi-35 is basically a flying BMP, it can carry troops in the rear, as well as attack aircraft, missiles. , rockets and other weapons.

Hind Vs Apache

Apache engines, fuel, crew and ejection systems are heavily armored, and the cockpit area is certified against 23mm gun. The titanium "bath" that Mi-24/35 pilots sit on can protect 57mm high-explosive rounds if it works similarly to the "bath" used by A-10 pilots. The AH-64 is a pure attack aircraft. Soldiers can only place soldiers on one of the wings. Like the Mi-24 and other Hind derivatives, the MI-35 is better compared to utility helicopters such as the UH-60, which in some configurations can be more heavily armed than attack helicopters.

U.s. Apache Pilots Of The 12th Combat Aviation Brigade And Hungarian Hind Pilots Of The 86th Helicopter Base Pose In Front Of An Ah 64 Apache After Completing Joint Live Fire Training At Varpalota,

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