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irs in mesa

Irs In Mesa - No, this is not a legitimate question. This letter is responding to income items not on your statement that a third party has reported as paid to you. If you agree to the undisclosed prices, just sign the letter and send it in the mail. The IRS will send you an invoice with the amount of tax due on the unreported items. If the unreported items have a cost basis, such as the sale of merchandise, you must disagree with the CP 2000 letter and provide documentation showing the cost of the inventory sold—in other words, what you paid for the item. This will reduce your tax liability or, if you had a loss on selling inventory, result in a refund instead of the balance due. There are a number of other factors that could cause the IRS to issue a CP2000 notice, and it's worth having a tax professional investigate the matter.

If you have questions about your CP 2000 letter or need help responding to the IRS, Scott Allen E.A. Available for a free consultation. Scott can be reached at 480-926-9300. He met many of these warnings and succeeded in answering them. I do not believe it is necessary to use an IRS tax attorney Mesa AZ to resolve this type of problem. These IRS notification letters have deadlines associated with them, so it is important to respond to them in a timely manner.

Irs In Mesa

Irs In Mesa

Need help with a payment plan? Once you've reduced your IRS debt as much as possible legally, consult with Scott Allen EA to discuss your payment planning options. Here's a recent example of a taxpayer who used Scott to represent him instead of an IRS Mesa AZ tax attorney. See confirmation notice below. Who should you use if you have serious problems with the Mesa Arizona IRS, unfiled tax returns or if you owe the IRS more than you can pay? Think for a moment before reading any further. Who should you use?

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The answer to this question may surprise you, but it's the first question you should answer before seeking help talking to the IRS.

If you have cancer, you should see an oncologist who specializes in your type of cancer. But if you definitely don't have cancer, you don't call an oncologist. This analogy applies to Mesa AZ IRS cases. The only time you need the services of a tax attorney for a tax matter is when you seek attorney client privileges. This is important only when committing a criminal act.

Name it... In 45 years, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. The IRS has resolved more than 113,000 tax debts, using the Compromise Program, payment plans, tax-advantaged bankruptcy, uncollectible status, or tax debt maturities. None of these cases required a Mesa Arizona tax attorney. None of these customers have committed any criminal or fraudulent activity. Not declaring or paying your taxes is not a crime. None of our clients have had their homes foreclosed or foreclosed on. This is not only in real life. The IRS prefers to settle and move on... and so do I.

These tax filing options are not cancer. These are options that require the services of the best person in your area who has consistently performed these services for several years. Tax attorneys have a way of using fear and intimidation to scare clients into paying more for Mesa AZ IRS settlement services, which can best be done by an Enrolled Agent. In our 45 years in business, we have only referred 4 clients with fiscal cancer. If a medical oncologist tells you that you have cancer, when all you have is a bad sore throat...but you'd be upset if you were asked to pay for cancer drugs.

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In most cases, you have severe "throat pain", not "stage 4 cancer". So instead of paying more, ask Scott Allen E.A. Consider getting a free initial consultation with the first. If you need the services of a Mesa Arizona tax attorney, Scott will be the first to refer you to someone who knows your specific needs.

If you have incomplete tax returns, Scott Allen E.A. Once you have all the information you need to file late tax returns in Mesa AZ, you can prepare returns within 24 to 48 hours. For Scott Allen E.A. Call. Save the costs of using a "cancer doctor" today and when all you have is a sore throat. Schedule your appointment today by calling 480-926-9300 to meet with Scott. Be your Mesa Arizona IRS attorney!

Check out the recent success of Scott Allen EA for his client Matthew. It helped Scott deal with a "sore throat" caused by an IRS audit that he initially didn't respond to. As you can see, over $11,000 in taxes, interest and penalties were reduced through the audit reconsideration process. It took a while from the beginning to the end, but the victory was won. This is one of thousands of reviews by Scott Allen EA. This is the most shocking thing the IRS can do to get your attention. That's what the IRS is trying to do with Mesa AZ IRS liens. They don't want to get your paycheck, but since they forgot all their letters and notes, they want you to know they mean business now. If you haven't filed any late Mesa AZ tax returns, now is the time to do so. By filing an accurate return, you can even reduce the liability that you owe the IRS. Completing all of your past tax returns will be sent to the IRS as compliance.

Irs In Mesa

Every day counts when your salary is collected. Not always, but most of the time you can file all your statements and discharge your Mesa AZ IRS debts before your next paycheck. So make the most of every day. Scott Allen E.A. Tax Debt Counselors has the experience to prepare your return within 24 to 48 hours and contact the IRS immediately to begin the discharge process. The amount you owe the IRS will determine the amount of financial information you must provide. Scott Allen EA of Mesa AZ offers a free initial consultation and can be scheduled at 480-926-9300.

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Tax Debt Counselors, Inc. is a Mesa Arizona family business for over 40 years specializing in IRS problem cases. We prepare tax returns and review all settlement options available to you. Scott Allen, EA is fully licensed to represent taxpayers before the IRS. It is not necessary to use a tax attorney except in fraud or criminal cases. 99% of IRS problem cases in Mesa AZ are not criminal or fraudulent. Don't overpay for 1% protection you don't need. This is our place and this is all we do. Call me today for a no-pressure consultation.

See what Scott Allen EA did for client Michael Mesa AZ to stop IRS blocks. He was able to pay off four years of taxes on a monthly payment plan of $680 a month. This agreement was negotiated to prevent the IRS from filing a tax lien. A tax lien would be public information and Michael didn't want that. If you haven't filed in several years, the IRS may file replacement returns, better known as SFR's. In order to reduce your IRS tax liability, it is important to file an accurate return within three years of the due date or you will lose any refund.

The reason an actual return reduces your IRS tax liability is because the IRS doesn't know what deductions you're entitled to on your return. This includes but is not limited to:

Contact Scott Allen E.A. If you have an overdue tax return as soon as possible. Now is the time to act and Scott Allen E.A. It's the right choice. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Offers a free initial consultation to Arizona taxpayers. Contact us in person by calling 480-926-9300.

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Debbie was a taxpayer associated with Tax Debt Advisor's Inc - Mesa Arizona top IRS troubleshooters. They were able to negotiate the old and new IRS debt into non-collectible (CNC) status. Your 2008 and 2009 debts are due soon, so it's a matter of letting time run out. In her CNC status, the IRS cannot engage in any collection activity against her. Job well done! (See disclaimer below)

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